Contraceptive / Vaginal Ring

Contraceptive / Vaginal Ring

The contraceptive ring measures 54mm and is constituted of soft, flexible, transparent plastic. It is inserted in the vagina slowly releasing hormones: estrogen and progestin.

How does it work?

The contraceptive ring principally saves the woman of getting pregnant by keeping the ovaries from releasing an ovum. It can also thicken the cervical mucus consequently make it more difficult for the sperm cells to penetrate the uterus and decreases the thickness of the uterine wall. The contraceptive ring has a similar effect as the pill.
The ring is produced in only one size et can be place anywhere inside the vagina to be effective. The vagina walls will hold the ring into place et usually once inserted it is not felt anymore. The woman can insert and pull out the ring themselves and most women consider it easy to use.
The ring is inserted and worn in the vagina for a period of 3 weeks and on the 4th week, it is pulled out to let menstruation fly its course. A new ring will be inserted to start a new cycle at the end of the menstruation (normally at the end of the 4th week).

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  • Failure rate according to its actual use: 90 women over 1000 over the course of the first year usage.
  • Failure rate according to its theoretical usage: 3 women over 1000 over the course of the first year usage.
  • Very efficient, resolvable, and secure
  • Possible decrease of cramps and menstrual flow
  • Regularization of menstrual cycle
  • Decrease of pre-menstrual symptoms
  • Decrease of Endometrial, Ovaries, and Colon cancer
  • Decrease of Fibroma and Ovarian Cyst risk
  • No daily reminder is required
  • Could cause irregular and light bleeding
  • Can cause sensitive breast, nausea, or headaches
  • Vaginal irritation, discomfort, or discharges can occur
  • Monthly reminder is needed to change the ring
    Does not protect against STIs