Surgical abortion


What is surgical abortion

A surgical abortion does not require any incisions, it is an voluntary interruption of the pregnancy where the fetus and placenta is removed by an intervention done in 3 steps: Dilation, aspiration, and curettage. This technique is the most practiced and very safe.

Surgical abortion requires a single appointment and takes one hour (from arrival to leaving the premises).


The steps of Surgical Abortion

As was mentioned above, the meeting with the intervener aims at supporting you in your choice, not to judge the reasons that motivate your decision. The meeting is not a psychological evaluation but to listen respectfully in the most attentive way.
A urinary pregnancy test will be done at your arrival and the intervener will revise with you the questionnaire filled.

An explanation for the two types of abortion offered at the clinic will be provided: Surgical abortion and Medical abortion. The choice will depend on the patient but also of how far along the pregnancy is and certain other conditions. Furthermore, you will be able to discuss with the intervener if the different methods of contraception offered. Please keep in mind that no matter what is the choice made, our medical clinic will support throughout the whole process.

The meeting with the intervener will be done on a one on one bases, in order to for you to be at ease to ask questions and discuss of all your worries in total freedom. If you want to be accompanied for the procedure, please mention this to the intervener during the meeting.

The nurse will lead you to the doctor for the surgical abortion. She will stay with you until the end of the procedure which will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

The nurse will put in place a small tube on your arm’s vein (catheter), it will be use to inject medication for your comfort.

The doctor will follow these steps:

  1. The procedure will start with a vaginal ultrasound. This step is simple and only to determine how far is the pregnancy.
  2. A speculum will be inserted in the vagina as the second step in order to see the cervix
  3. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea screening will be done through a vaginal sampling with a Q-tip.
  4. The doctor will then proceed to a local anesthesia, where the cervix will be frozen with Xylocaine (the same medication used by dentists) and we would also suggest analgesic medication and intravenous relaxant. Conscious sedation will reduce the pain, giving you a better experience during the procedure
    It is not a general anesthesia therefore you will be awake during the whole process.
  5. The doctor will dilate (slightly open) the cervix gradually with small medical rods. A cannula will be inserted to vacuum all the content from the uterus. To make sure that the uterus is empty, a curettage will be done along with a second vacuuming.
  6. The nurse will proceed to a sampling in order to determine your blood type’s Rhesus factor (Rh). If your RH is negative, we will administer a RH factor antibody solution (WinRho Vaccine).

You will be able to comfortably rest in a bed for the duration of 30 to 40 minutes.

We will provide water to hydrate and it will also help recuperate faster.
The nurse will verify your bleeding in order to make sure they are light, some patients can experience no bleeding at all.
Information and tips on the aftermath of the abortion will be given along with prescriptions and medications if necessary.
After a good rest, we will make sure that the patient is in capacity to leave the premises and return home.
It is legally forbidden to drive a car after the intake of intravenous solutions (fentanyl/versed) for a period of 24h.


After abortion

It is strongly suggested to take the day to rest after the surgical abortion. It necessary, the doctor can remit a medical note for the missed work or school.

You can go back to your regular activities as soon as the next but strongly recommended to avoid sports or intensive physical activities for 7 days.

Sexual activities can be resumed after 7 full days after the surgical abortion. Avoid all vaginal penetrations after the first week of the abortion.

It is possible to get pregnant after 7 to 10 days after the abortion even if there is still bleeding therefore we recommend protected sex by using different contraceptive methods.
Some patients can take several week before being ready and comfortable to have sexual intercourse. Take the time needed.

7 full days is needed after surgical abortion before sexual intercourse with penetration. After the abortion, sexual desire can be reduced or absent, it is normal. Take the time needed to retrieve your sexual desire in order to have a satisfying sexual life. Method of contraception should start as prescribe by the doctor.

Your menstrual cycle will come back little by little. Your next periods should come 4 to 8 weeks after the procedure. Bleeding can be more abundant with blood clots or brownish vaginal loss followed by abdominal cramps as your first menstrual cycle.

Cervix is open and will close slowly therefore there are infection risks.

Do not insert anything in the vagina for 7 days.

Use hygienic pads for the first 7 days after the abortion. No tampons or menstrual cup is allowed.

Showers or bath are allowed but do not use public swimming pools, lake, or spas after the first week of abortion.

No vaginal shower for the first 7 days after abortion.

Step 1

It is rare to have significant pain but if necessary, the first 48h after the procedure, you can take 2 caplet of ibuprofen of 200mg (Advil or Motrin) every 4h.
Intake 2 caplets of acetaminophen (Tylenol) of 325mg every 4h.
Intake 2 caplets of acetaminophen (Tylenol) of 500mg every 6h

Apply heat (Magic bean bag) on your abdomen.

Step 2

If you are still not relieved, alternate Advil and Tylenol every 2h.

Bleeding varies from one woman to another. Some can have no bleeding whereas some can have bleeding right after the procedure up to three weeks.

In certain cases, intermittent bleeding or spotting can happen.

Blood clots, abdominal cramps can surface within 4 to 6 days after the pregnancy interruption.

Risks of complication after a surgical abortion are rare.

If you have one or a few of the following signs present yourself to the emergency or contact us:

  • Important bleeding soaking more than 2 large hygienic pads per hour for 2h straight or if you have blood clots the size of a fist.
  • Strong pain that can’t be eased by acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin)
  • Smelly vaginal loss
  • 38.5 degrees Celsius and over of fever for more than one hour.

If any of these measure does not relieve the symptoms, you can reach us:

  • Daytime : (514) 281-6476
  • Evening and week-end : Emergency contact number will be provide in the first meeting just before the abortion procedure.

6 weeks after the surgical abortion, you will be asked to proceed to a home urinary pregnancy test. If the result is positive call the clinic at this number : (514) 281-6476.

Human-centered approach



Adapted to your needs

Our approach

Services are free:

  • on presentation of a valid Quebec medical card (RAMQ).
  • on presentation of the original document of the federal intermediate health program (Blue Cross).


*If you do not have the Quebec Medicare card or access to the Blue Cross program, contact us to find the applicable cost/fees.


Psychological support

If you need psychological support or if you need to consult a website to help you through the process of initiating a pregnancy interruption, please refer to the following resources.

Other services

Our other services

Medical abortion

Medical abortion is a pregnancy interruption done through medications. It is available up until 63th day (9 weeks) of pregnancy counted from the first day of the last menstrual cycle.

En savoir plus

For all questions

Feel free to contact us during our opening hours by calling 514-281-9848 OR 514-281-6476